Today I took Avri to an Orthodontist Appointment for her braces (coming June 15th). It was not a great appointment because she had to have the molds done and Avri gags very easily. I was sitting in the waiting room and I could here choking and gagging in the other room. It brought tears to my eyes because I felt so bad for her, and I knew it was miserable and hard for her to deal with. Finally the assistant came and got me - I went in and saw her and she had big tears rolling down her face and she was scared and worked up because the stuff had dripped down her throat. She had the bottom molds done but the top ones she pulled out before it worked. The assistant was trying to convince her to try again and Avri didn't want to. I was sitting there thinking wow this is a great start to years of orthodontics!! We were finally able to convince her to try again - the assistant used a small tray and missed the clay really thick (why she didn't do this in the first place frustrates and annoys me but either way I held her hand and helped her focus and we got through it. I can not believe I am old enough to have a child with braces!! She will be getting them on June 15th.
While we were at the dentist josh was at home with the younger three. Always interesting!! Heck it is interesting when I am home with them but when it is him they tend to be more mischievous and try to get away with more. This brings me to the nailpolish - remember Leah LOVES nail polish. She got into Avri and Mika's room and did a mini pedicure on herself and meanwhile got it all over the carpet. This is one of the few times when I have thought that having off white carpets is actually good!! Using acetone polish remover and rubbing alcohol and HOT water - I actually got the stains out!! WOW! Anyway here are a couple of pictures of her toes and might I add that they are the cutest little toes you ever did see!! She was so proud of herself too!

Well mothers day has come and gone. I felt really grateful this year for my 4 girls. I grumble and complain alot about them and about life as a stay at home mom right now, but they are so wonderful. They bring me so much love, laughter and happiness. Sometimes I can't believe I have 4 kids - 4 girls. I secretly love to tell people I have 4 girls just to see their reaction. Most people say your poor husband, but I think he gets off kind of easy - I will be the one dealing with all the girl stuff!! I really dont know what I would have done if I had boys. I am so girly, I love the dance and piano that my girls are involved in, I love the clothes, the make up and hair stuff. I LOVE it all. Sometimes I get a small glimpse of the hormones poking through and I worry about the future and dealing with all that stuff for years and years, but really I could not be happier. If someone had of let me choose what gender of children I would have I think I would have chose 4 girls - really. I think of all the great things that the future will hold for me, baking and cooking with them (which they already love to do). Shopping and going to girls movies and girls night out, actually come think of it they already love all those things! The poems and pictures and cards that they gave me for mothers day were beautiful - Mika wrote me a song, it was so cute. She sang it to the tune of Happy Happy Birthday from Red Robins!!
We are itching for Spring to arrive around here. We have already bought some veggies for the garden and we are going to get flowers soon too!! We just need a little sun. Zoe is my gardener, she LOVES to help me in the garden. Leah likes to be outside too - although she is a bit scared of anythign that flies right now. Hopefully that will pass.
Highland dancing is going great - we are in full competition mode. I have starting making some of the costumes and I love it!! I forgot how much I love to sew. I just never seem to have the time!! Avri got 1st place in all 3 of her dances at the last competition and got the aggregate (highest score for her catagory). Not bad for second competition. Mika got a 2nd and 5th. She did really great too!! There were even more girls in Mika's category! I am so proud of them!! Zoe will be competing in June at the competition in Bellingham. I will keep you posted with how all of this goes, we are having lots of fun with it!! Below is Avri in the outfit that I made - it is her national costume - used for dancing the national dances. Below that is Leah being cute (not hard for her) and Zoe at her 5th birthday. I don't have any nice ones of Mika so I will be on a mission to snap a few nice ones of Mika.
I miss your girls so much! Just before I retired my career as a babysitter they were the only ones I actually liked babysitting.