Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tis the season to be jolly.......

Well it's official, the kids are out of school and it is now my full time job to keep them entertained, for a whole 8 days until christmas arrives.  Thank goodness my mother is arriving on Wednesday evening, having Nana here will make the task much more and fun and whole lot less work for me :)  The last week of school was pretty darn busy, we had school concert, 3 class parties, projects due, ortho appointments, and the list goes on.  This week is shaping up to be rather busy too, but more fun stuff!!  The girls have a fun dance recital at the old folks home on Tuesday - that will be really fun for them.  The elderly love to watch the girls dance!

 I have lots of fun things planned for this week before christmas (or should I say lots of things planned for my mom to so with the girls when she gets here!)  I want to take them to a movie (maybe even 2 if the first one goes well).  Last year when Leah was not even 2 years old we went to a couple during the break and she was so good.  So I figure it should work out this year too.  I plan to do some baking with them and some wrapping.  I am almost done shopping, really almost done and that is like a miracle!!  I am quite proud of myself for that.  I am picturing the malls to be pure kaos this week with all the kids out of school!

I have some cute picture from the girls Christmas concert a few days ago but I still need to upload them.  as soon as I do that I will add them to a post.  There are some pretty cute ones!!

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