Day one of summer holidays. Only a few I'm bored's today!! THe older two got out of school at 10:15am this morning. They were very excited to show me their reported cards. I am so proud of them. Avri got 3 A's Gym, Language Arts, and I foget the other subject and then she also got 4 B's. Can I just say that this is amazing considering her teacher can be very difficult!! She is a hard marker to say the least (in my opinion anyway). However Avri had a great year and I am amazed at how much she has grown. Her public speaking is amazing - something that I always struggled with. She also just finished competing in track and field and took 4th place in the finals for the 200m. She also qualified for high jump, relay, 100m and shotput. She ended up competing in 200m relay and high jump. Her nerves got the best of her with high jump as she had bruised her back in practice and was worried she would hurt it again. She did an amazing job!!
Mika had a wonderful report card too - she got excelling in reading and writing. She reads at about a grade 3 level and her printing and spelling is fantastic.
Zoe finished preschool last week. She is so smart and she will really miss school over the summer.
Leah is walking everywhere (running really). Trying to talk starting to sing and turning into the sweetest, happiest, funniest toddler. Sometimes I literally just stop what I am doing to watch her - I feel like I need to soak it all in because she is our last!
Anyhow summer is here - and I am busy trying to think of ways to entertain the kids. My cousin Emily arrives next week from PEI!! I can not wait. I will have help and some adult conversation too!! We have a busy summer planned so stay tuned!! I promise to be honest and tell it how it is - and with my 4 girls trust me, it will be interesting!!
Good job Amanda. I can't believe you were doing this at 2am. You are a crazy mom. I wonder what time you have to get up this morning.