Oh my gosh today was a wild and crazy busy day around here. IT started out terrible with 3 grumpy kids to get ready for school! HAPPY MONDAY!! I have to say it was one of those days when I shut the door behind them I was grateful to have a few hours with just one child!! I had a million things I wanted to get done in case we got snowed in for a few days, so Leah and I headed out to get groceries, gas and do a few errands. At Costco we found a super fun sled ( I couldn't resist when I saw it, I knew the girls would be super duper excited!!) We managed to get all our errands done and beat the snow! Then we came home and did some laundry and house work and got ready for the girls to come home from school. I started to pull out snow pants boots, mitts and hats and get us organized to go out and play in the snow. This is not super easy when we are talking about 4 kids in ever changing sizes!! I managed to find stuff that would more or less fit but at the very least keep them warm enough!! They were pretty excited to try out the new sled!! So this would be my act of service for the day - playing in the snow for an hour with the kids. To some people that would be just plain fun, but I don't particularly like the snow, I don't like to be cold and I still had a few zillion things to do in the house, but I knew they would love it so I grabbed my camera, the sleds, the dog and out we went!! It wasn't ideal for sledding because the snow was very fluffy but we managed to make it work! This was one of Leah's first experiences with snow, she loved it!! Avri handed her a snowball and she wound up and chucked it at me ;) Piper was having a hayday out in the snow, jumping and rolling around. I think she was happy about her test results from the vet! I got the phone call about 1pm today from our vet and when he told me that it was just a cyst and it was all removed with no further treatment needed, I was so relieved. I have tried so hard not to dwell on it or think about it too much over the past week but it definitely was on my mind. This time it was happy tears!! I swear she had an extra skip in her step too!! Check out how much fun she was having in the snow with us today!

Happy to be out in the fresh air and catching snow flakes on her big pink tongue!

This is Piper making snow angels!! Even a few stitches can't stop her!!
The girls and I had a ton of fun out side!! The snowman is actually from Saturday - Josh made it with Zoe and Leah. It is the cutest thing ever, Leah is constantly talking about "frosty" in the yard and tonight she requested that frosty put her to bed ;) I tried to explain that he would melt if we brought him inside. She talked to him today and brought him snow cakes - so sweet!! My older girls were so good to the younger two - pulling them up and down the hill on the sleds (it just wasn't quite slippery enough to go n your own). Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure!

We had so much fun outside. The girls were supposed to dance tonight but we were beat from being outside all afternoon, and the snow was coming down in buckets so we decided to hang out at home and have a family night! It was pretty nice not to rush all over the place to three different dance classes. We finished the night baking cookies (Avri Mika and me) and they were yummy!! So tonight I am grateful for my girls. Having girls was a huge dream of mine (I am sure I would not have been disappointed with boys and absolutely adore my 3 nephews) but I always wanted girls to do all those girly girl things with like hair, nails, crafts, baking and all things fun! I never in my wildest dreams thought I would end up with 4! How blessed am I to have 4 daughters. They are by far the best part of my life (ok Josh is pretty great too!!) and although having four kids has some (ok lots) of challenges and many people think we are crazy, I wouldn't change it for anything. It's nights like tonight when we jump into our jammies and bake cookies together that I realize just how lucky I am. All four of them are very different, some are more like me, some are more like Josh and all four are their own individual person and I am proud of each one of them. I am very lucky to me mom to these 4 girls.

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